So my body feels like a musical instrument shop
However this is not an organised op
Tummy can rumble like a base drum
Or like the sitar being strum
The wind can grumble away
Like a brook bubbling on its way
The odd muscle flutters gently
Akin to breeze shifting sand finely
Then the spine creaked when I turned
A crackle of large joints is like piano badly tuned
While small ones just snap like a rifle shot
Making others jump a lot
The rash itches and I scratch like mad
Sounds like using a rasp that is bad
Pain in the muscles and bones can throb
Often this drumming my breath does rob
The prickling of the eye like a triangle struck
By all the Duracell bunnies in the truck
Headaches that feel like a constant drumming
Ears that make their own buzzing
I am sure the rest of the organs in the shop
Would like to and might join in this op
I am my own musical shop from midnight to noon
But I am damned if I can change the music anytime soon