Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Body Rhythms

So my body feels like a musical instrument shop
However this is not an organised op
Tummy can rumble like a base drum
Or like the sitar being strum
The wind can grumble away
Like a brook bubbling on its way
The odd muscle flutters gently
Akin to breeze shifting sand finely
Then the spine creaked when I turned
A crackle of large joints is like piano badly tuned
While small ones just snap like a rifle shot
Making others jump a lot
The rash itches and I scratch like mad
Sounds like using a rasp that is bad
Pain in the muscles and bones can throb
Often this drumming my breath does rob
The prickling of the eye like a triangle struck
By all the Duracell bunnies in the truck
Headaches that feel like a constant drumming
Ears that make their own buzzing
I am sure the rest of the organs in the shop
Would like to and might join in this op
I am my own musical shop from midnight to noon
But I am damned if I can change the music anytime soon

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Oath of the Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi

This is the final book in the Shiva trilogy. A much awaited book I think and probably was having high expectation of the story as well. The last book ended with an apt cliff-hanger where Shiva comes face to face with someone he thought was dead in the blast which destroyed the somras factory.
The trek through the forest and up river in ships have brought the main characters to the land of the Nagas and meeting his old friend Shiva is wanting to know what had happened? He needs to know this before he can let the others in the accompanying entourage to know Brahaspati is alive and hear his story. Brahaspati explains that he was researching the impact of manufacturing the somras and if there were side effects from taking it. He had come to the conclusion that it was a dangerous medicine and being unable to convince King Daksh or the ministers he chose to sabotage the factory and disappear.
Shiva wants more proof of this than just the word of his friend and wants to see himself the evidence that exists. It appears we have come a full circle in the search for the enemy. For now it appears that the Mehluans are the common enemy of the Chandravanshis and the Nagas. The side effect of the somras has given rise to the Naga clan as they are the offspring of people who have been taking the somras. The waste from the manufacturing of the somras is found to be polluting the waters that flow into the land of the Brangas. The Chandravanshis were not all party to partaking the somras. The Maharishi Bhrigu, one of the most powerful sages, is convinced that somras is good and informs Daksh that there is a second secret factory that will keep the somras flowing.
In trying to stop Shiva and his allies from turning on the Melhuans he organises the attack we read about, in the last book. What comes across clearly is that humans fear what they do not know and so view the unknown as the enemy. Shiva goes to Kashi to meet the Vasudevs and find out what is the truth about the somras and all the information he has. There is also finds out about the clan of Vayuputras who have sworn to bring forth Neelkanth when times need him, just as Vasudevs are bound to support the Neelkanth in his fight against evil. For this Shiva has to undertake the long journey to the land of Vayuputras and find out the truth about himself and about the somras. He needs the weapons that will allow him the lever to stop the production of somras and save the people from all-out war.
The story does give some wonderful descriptions and explanations of the strategies and counter strategies of the different factions and alliances. The imagination has been let loose when it comes to the achievements of each clan. The small battles are fought while setting up to win the final war. These are bloody and shows lose on all sides. It is a story that follows my own thinking (for I can always see the other person’s point of view) in that it forces you to see both sides of the coin. It forces you to face both sides of the issue of somras and the positions taken by people. What is to be held in esteem by people, their country, the truth or their God? Therefore, you are forced to acknowledge that nothing is purely good or purely evil. Also that nothing can always be only good or only evil. Both evil and good are necessary to have a balance in nature.
The ending was unexpected but seemed to come too quickly. However, it was a good point to end as it leaves you in a thoughtful mood and anything further would just belabour the point.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Moods of Rain

The earth is parched and dry
Clouds gather in the sky
The breeze picks up
And the dust kicks up
Clouds crash and thunder flashes
Rain comes and thirst quenches
The raindrops dance on the earth
Filling me with joy and mirth

The wet earth smells sweet
From the gentle drizzle it meets
I lift my face to feel the rain
The gentle caress of the rain
It soothes and comforts me
It cools and caressess me

There is mixed mood in a monsoon storm
The energy that sizzles through the storm
Electricity crackles and lightening flashes bright
Raises the hair as if in fright
The thunder provides the drum roll
A wonderful orchestra seems to be nature’s goal

Then you feel the fury in the storm
The pounding rain that comes with the storm
With the strength of a rushing waterfall
Threatening to sweep away all
Driving the rain is gale force wind
Tearing through the rain both lightening and wind

The moods of rain are moods of nature
Often reflecting human nature

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Changing Season

Here comes the rain
Autumn is setting in with the rain
The grass is still growing fast
How long is that going to last?
Some plants are flowering
Some leaves are browning
The rain makes everything greener
The wind is that much keener
The cold seems meaner
Making all the effort to be warmer
The birds are huddling under the eaves
The wind rustles through the leaves
The clouds gathered all grey
Where is the sun pray?
I want the skies again blue
So that I can stop being blue
The cold makes my muscles hurt
Which makes my speech curt
Heat helps the muscles warm
But makes the rash buzz like a swarm
I need to balance the heat needed
Just as nature balances the cyclical renewal needed
For most the growing season is done
The propagation is done
The time has come to slow down
Hunker up and bed down
The time to hibernate is soon due
So that it can rest and come anew
Time to reflect on the done
Prepare on what will need to be done
Time to dream and hope
Just time to dream and hope