Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Some things are hard to express

Some things are hard to express
Especially when you wish to impress
When you see the breath-taking beauty of nature
Whether it is a sunrise or sun set
Whether it is a lightning storm or storm surge
The power of nature can be awe inspiring
Some things are hard to express
Especially when you wish to impress
How can you convey the fragility of nature?
The delicate ferns to giant redwoods
The beautiful sea anemones to the blue whales
The beauty of nature can be awe inspiring
Some things are hard to express
Especially when you wish to impress
The people in your life raise emotions
Of love and passion
Of care and protection
The beauty of love can be awe inspiring
Some things are hard to express
Especially when you wish to impress
Do words or picture give an accurate depiction?
To express all that is bubbling in the head and heart

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