Neighbours can be quirky and
while I am a friendly soul have not been able to make friends with all my neighbours.
Well a couple were friends but only one has lasted a move. One of my neighbours
I actually spoke to on the day before I moved. Often neighbours shift and new
ones come and you suddenly think oh when did that happen? As I have not seen
any removal vans come or go. Then it dawns on me that recently cars have been
coming and going frequently and loads of large bags and packages have been
loaded in to the car which I caught a glimpse of as I passed the window.
Yes, so I missed the actual move
of the neighbour and only realised when I started seeing another person visiting
daily to check on an extension being carried out at the rear of the house. Now
I always make an effort to smile at my neighbours when I see them outside. But
the one who had vacated never returned the smile except once when he was cutting
grass and was right in front of me.
The current observation is about
this gentleman. It was a cloudy murky day and quiet. Then the expected rain
arrived. I have seen that more often then not the rain is a serious downpour
almost monsoon like. My husband has often made video clip of the rain which
starts with a dance of huge drops of water and then they run along the road. As
the wind picks up the rain is seen at a curtain of water flying along. The road
becomes a river that is rushing to find a gutter and race to the storm drain.
So once the rain started it was heavy
with visibility greatly reduced. I love watching the rain racing about hither
tither with the wind so I went to stand in the veranda to take in this view.
The sight that I was confronted left me open mouthed, literally. The man next door
was on his front lawn washing his car. Now one can understand that since it is raining,
he would be making the use of all this free rain water but no that would be too
sensible. He was holding an umbrella to protect himself from the rain and using
a garden hose to wash his car. Why? The logic still eludes me…. Have never seen
this before or since but then never know what new neighbours and neighbourhoods
will bring.
So, now we know that what Hose do is no Rain can do! LOL