Sunday, 8 September 2013

Virtually Speaking

Ever have a moment where you have said something
And the next moment knowing it was the wrong thing?
If only we can take back the thought and the words
For it all changes things afterwards

I tend to think faster than I speak out
But even so I have sometimes been caught out
Always take time to think I tell myself
There is no urgency I tell myself

The problem comes from responding
When one should be cogitating
In the age of social networking
We sometimes find that common sense is not working

We are so used to instant gratification
That responding at once provides ego satisfaction
Arguments develop fast
Leaving divides that last

No one is willing to back down
Trying to establish they have won hands down
This illusion of closeness with strangers
Increases the make and break of friendship with strangers

There is little of caring and compassion
Rather more of a competitive passion
Even a lack of response from one will be good
Put a stop to all the expanding aggression for good

An apology no one ever wishes to extend
Even though peace it will portend
The peace is important for all
Both you and the other person are most likely strangers after all

The faceless strangers appear to feel less fellowship
For surely this aggressiveness is less likely to enter a non-virtual relationship?
People want to have the last word and be right
Even when it is evident they are not right

Does one always have to be right?
Even when all it leads to is a fight?
Why do we always want the other person to agree?
Can we not sometimes agree to disagree?

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