Tuesday 6 September 2011

Some of my seeds have sprouted!

Here is the update of my gardening story. I had planted some coriander, basil and chillies about 2 weeks ago. I followed the instructions which do not say you have to water them daily! I got told off by my husband who is more of a gardener than I am. Well so I started watering them early morning and also moved them into the sunshine eventually. A week went by and not a single sprout. 

Then at the weekend we decided to borrow a lawn mower as the lawn was starting to look like a wild meadow. While I would be happy to have that wild charm and wild flowers am not sure it would go down well with the neighbours who all keep the grass real short. Moreover, I think its part of the rental agreement that we maintain the garden. Not sure if it means I can dig it up and plant veggies all over. Since the lawn mower was electric we had to go buy a long extension. Sadly after about 10 inches the handle of the mower snapped! Now we had a borrowed mower that went dead and did not appear to be repairable. 

So off we went to Bunnings on Sunday morning to buy a lawn mower as having killed of my nephew’s mower which we were planning to share with him. While there I had seen some seedlings for tomatoes but yesterday we did not stop to buy them as we needed to get more pots and soil to re pot the seedlings. At a glance I had thought there were only one variety of tomato but ended up buying 4 different species of tomatoes. Also got the soil bags and pots to re pot not only the tomatoes but also the herbs which was praying would sprout soon.

So Sunday morning was spent re potting my tomatoes and tending to the other seeds that I had sown. I watered all the pots and placed them in the direct sun. I noticed that there were two small leaves peeping out of two of the seeds in one of the herb pots. I think it might be the Basil as the leaves seem a little long for coriander. Then I see that the seedlings of broccoli are also peeping out of the soil. I did also help a bit in mowing the lawn by holding up the extension lead. Never again, I say, as the hay fever which I had kept at bay for the last decade or so came back with a vengeance. 

Now a fortnight later I am still waiting for the chilli seeds to sprout and the other herb one. I think that it is coriander and not basil that has sprouted as I can see the casings of the coriander seeds. The potatoes still seem to be stubbornly hiding. I do water the plants daily and have moved them all into sunshine. Most likely I will have to re plant the seedling of broccoli this weekend. Am debating whether to go buy a long planter or just dig up one end of the garden and sow them there.
So at last I can see some of the sprouted seeds and stop worrying about whether anything will grow….. so far so good. I hope the delicate seedlings will soon grow and re-potting and feeding liquid fertiliser will start at the weekend.

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