Wednesday 15 May 2013


The old lady sits in her window
Looking at life passing from the shadow
Time is weighing on her hands
For all alone now she stands
A long life with husband and kids
She reviews in her head like vids
The road of life well-travelled
The joys and sorrows entangled
The joy of wonderful kids and caring partner
Fate took her son and it all began to shatter
The pain of loss coloured the life grey
Everything was forgotten as grief made her prey
Over the years things got easier
But she had changed and got hardier
Her husband coped but the stress made him ill
Both needed to establish their faith to let Him do His Will
Other children had grown and moved away
And then her husband passed away
She did not give up but faced her strife
She gathered her faith and lived her life
She had freedom to do as she pleased
Getting set in ways that she pleased
Travelling often helped keep loneliness at bay
At other times the memories saved the day
As time passes the new memories fade fast
It’s the old ones that last
The hopes and dreams of a young woman
Seen now in the eyes of an old woman
The fate deals more blows
Death after death follows
Losing more of her kids makes life sadder
As child before parent is against the natural order
Mother should not have to mourn her child
It hurts more than she can say to miss her child
She is still alone as one live child is far away
Circumstances do not allow any other way
Days become empty and long
Nothing is enjoyable while waiting for the end to come along
The lonely vigil by her window
Watching the world go about from her window
The family that once came to visit
Finds it a burden to now visit
The joys hard to remember
The pain a beloved family member
Waiting patiently for that time to come
When the spirit is free for the end has come

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