How preoccupied we are with the good and bad
That we forgot to live with what we had
Can we have some fun and live a full life
Or should we be busy in just avoiding strife
When is coffee in and when is alcohol out?
Is the dessert too sweet and we must do without?
Which tea should be a matter of taste
Rather than what latest ‘guru’ dictates
Have we lost our teeth so young
That praises of juices must be sung?
Which is a better juice, green or red?
Me! I rather be properly fed
In the latest news, fat is in and sugar is out
Blamed for obesity and soon to be taxed out
Eating fads come and go
According to which business is slow
People make money hand over fist
By picking our insecurities out of the mist
There is a pill for everything
And it is better for it packs more of everything!
Specialists come out of the woodwork
Telling me this, that and the other will work
Make you healthy, make you young
Make you pretty and less high strung
They tell you what to think and how to feel
Only you have to follow them is the deal
This herd mentality and mob behaviour
Being taught from childhood is not our saviour
We are divided by so much, caste, creed and religion
Not to mention the status, race and nation
Everyone is on social media hoping to get closer
But becoming more schadenfreude with every life’s loser
These is a loss of privacy at our own hands
When all our selfies and vids instantaneously hit the stands
The perspective of life has changed
Values and purposes have also changed
While progress is a must to evolve mankind
But when change is for sake of change, the word thoughtless
comes to mind
Should technology rule our progress?
Will we evolve to higher beings through this progress?
Or are we losing the very qualities and skills that make us
And the eventual lack of these, making us subhuman
A worrying end if life is about survival of the fittest
Not many of us will pass the test
So let us reclaim out thoughts, values and individuality
Embrace our differences and love each other’s vitality
To live and let live should be our aim
So love laughter and joy all can claim