Wednesday 31 August 2011

’61 Hours’ – Lee Child

I have come to read Lee Child’s books only recently. They are fascinating in the level of detail about everything. The latest one I read was ’61 Hours’. It is fascinating that the book is for all that happens in just 61 hours. I particularly like how each part of the story is embodied in every chapter as it moves though the countdown of 61 hours. The pace of the story is actually fast but the detailed description of everything makes it slow down a bit. I always feel I want to rush through the descriptions to get to the plot and get the story moving.
The hero Jack Reacher is just that a superman. He is ex military police and wanders through the US getting to know his country and helping to keep ordinary people safe. He gets inadvertently involved as per usual when the bus he is on crashes. There is a murder and a witness in need of protection that starts Jack’s involvement. The 61 hours are typical of details of the plot and the suspense builds as more are murdered. Who is the hitman? What I in the old stone building just outside the town? The plot keeps its grip on you right up to the last sentence. For the big suspense is what happened to Jack. This is the first book of Lee Child that leaves you wondering about Jack.
Lee Child’s style is definitely different as all his story lines are covering a short period of time. I think the longest one I have read is over a couple of weeks. There is also an obligatory female presence that is a help to or needs help from Jack. In this book it is the head of Jack’s old command. There is always this feeling of will they or won’t they? It book is about the triumph of good over evil but unlike many stories where everyone lives happily ever after, in this story the good pay a heavy price before it overcomes the evil. There is a lot of human psyche and emotions explored with a delving into what is in the mind of one who fights for justice and puts things right.
It is a good read for all those who like mystery, murder, crime genre. I shall put it away and in a few months of even a year go back and read it again. Strangely , having read it once and knowing the end of the plot does not make any difference to the enjoyment of books for me.

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